Friday, January 1, 2010

Guido Daniele: Hand Art

Today's topic: Amazing hand art! So recently I was just surfing around the web looking at inspiring art, when I came across some unbelievable hand art. The first thought that traced my mind was, I-Is that a hand???. Right then I decided to take a closer look and found myself in a frenzy, looking for other fantastic masterpieces. I was drawing closer and closer so I decided to look in a little more on this mind-boggling art.If you're interested, this site will show you more works from the amazing body art genius, Guido Daniele. Guido Daniele was born in Italy and also currently lives and works in Milan, Italy. He has amazing experience and you will be in awe looking upon all the masterpieces he has achieved. Look him up on a search engine to discover many other surreal pieces by him. 
If you want to try painting your own masterpiece on your hand, you will need body paint or body markers of course. Don't try to paint yourself with supplies that are not meant to be used on the skin. An airbrush could also be a helpful tool. You could also just get a hold of regular face paint of course and makeup would be a helpful medium as well. It's a fun task, but it could take you years of effort to achieve such a masterpiece, unless of course, you are purely a natural. And you certainly will need the right supplies.
I hope everyone can enrich themselves more with art and I can spread the word through amazing pieces and artists that truly inspire me. 
Happy New Year, everyone, and reveal the artist in you!

1 comment:

  1. Hand art? Why didn't I ever think of that before!
    Great idea. The zebra hand art looks good but the elephant one looks extraordinarily amazing. It's a clever one too, using lines on finger to make elephant's trunk look realistic and everything. Love it!
